রাসূলুল্লাহ বলেছেন:🌺🌼 তুমি যখন সেজদা দাও তখন তোমার কপাল টা জায়নামাজের উপর পড়ে না। পড়ে আল্লাহ তায়ালার কুদরতি পায়ের উপর..!🌸🌼 সুবহানাল্লাহ..
মুফতির পরিচিতিশাহাদাহ হল একটি ইসলামী ধর্ম, ইসলামের পাঁচটি স্তম্ভের একটি এবং আযানের অংশ। এতে লেখা আছে: "আমি সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছি যে, আল্লাহ ছাড়া কোন উপাস্য নেই, এবং আমি সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছি যে মুহাম্মদ আল্লাহর রসূল।"
Each Muslim should pray five times a day: in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, after sunset, and early at night. These prayers can be said anywhere, prayers that are said in company of others are better than those said alone.
Each Muslim should pray five times a day: in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, after sunset, and early at night. These prayers can be said anywhere, prayers that are said in company of others are better than those said alone.
Each Muslim should pray five times a day: in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, after sunset, and early at night. These prayers can be said anywhere, prayers that are said in company of others are better than those said alone.
Each Muslim should pray five times a day: in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, after sunset, and early at night. These prayers can be said anywhere, prayers that are said in company of others are better than those said alone.